Creating fresh and interconnected approaches to suicide prevention.

We support suicide prevention action across Far North Queensland

A fresh approach

How do we invite people to live? How might we build stronger community and system responses to suicide? These are some of the simple, profound and complex questions we explore through Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention FNQ. This initiative leads the implementation of Suicide Prevention Community Action Plans (SPCAP) in the Cairns and Hinterland and Torres and Cape regions of Far North Queensland (FNQ).

Our work is informed by the Black Dog Institute’s LifeSpan Framework and inspired by a collective impact approach to community change. Funding support is provided by Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) and the initiative is led by Beacon Strategies.

Our Projects

  • Cairns & Hinterland

    The Cairns and Hinterland Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan (SPCAP) offers a coordinated approach to suicide prevention activities across the region, ranging from the Cassowary Coast in the south through Cairns and Yarrabah to Douglas Shire in the north, and out through Mareeba and the Tablelands to Croydon in the west.

  • Torres & Cape

    The Torres and Cape Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan (SPCAP) aims for a robust approach to preventing and reducing the impact of suicide throughout the vast geographical area that includes discrete communities across Cape York, the Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) and the Torres Strait.

First Nations Acknowledgement

The Cairns and Hinterland Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan (SPCAP) acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the First Peoples and Traditional Custodians of Australia. We recognise their continued cultural and spiritual connection to land, waters, sky, kin and community.  We pay our respects to those who have gone before, their descendants here today and those that will follow as the inherent keepers of the knowledge and lore.

Through implementation of the Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan (SPCAP), we are committed to making a meaningful contribution to the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across Far North Queensland.

We acknowledge those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, consumers, carers, and organisations who have participated and shared their knowledge in the development of each plan.

Lived Experience Acknowledgement

We acknowledge all with a lived experience of suicide, remember those we have lost to suicide and the impact this has on our families and our communities.

We also acknowledge the contribution and richness people with lived experience of suicide bring to suicide prevention.